In order to both honour my time and also make my work accessible to all, here are my pricing/ payment policies.
1:1 work will be £55 for 1.5 hours, plus after care via email or text.
For anyone who needs it there are £40 1:1's offered. You can choose if this is for you with no questions asked.
Cancellations need to be made earlier than 5 days before the session to give me a chance to fill the space. If made after this I may need to charge you for the session.
Retreats and workshops will be individually priced and there is always an opportunity to pay a donation to attend.
All 1:1, workshops and retreats can be paid in monthly instalments at whatever the client can afford per month. For example a 1:1 can be paid by direct debit at £10 per month over 5 months with an upfront payment of £5. This can be organised directly with me.
If anyone would like to swap your time/ services for mine here is a list of people I would love the offer from:
This work just needs to be done, so please do not let money get in your way if you know you need to do it. Be in touch.
Ruth x